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Evoke Learning summer programs 2017

Evoke Learning Summer Programs

Summertime provides an ideal opportunity for students to develop helpful learning strategies and move beyond the school curriculum. At Evoke Learning, we believe academic success is not just about natural ability and talent, but includes thoughtful and purposeful effort. A lot of practice goes into developing learning approaches, understanding concepts, and mastering skills.

Our brains are not wired for school; they are wired for survival. This is why academic skills must be directly taught and why all of our summer programming includes the development of a strategy, awareness, or approach, and not simply a review of academic material. How can we help you succeed this summer?

  • Students with weak organizational, study, and note-taking skills will benefit from our Academic Foundations program.
  • Students feel more motivated when they have a concrete plan and definable goals. Current work is connected to future success through our Career Coaching program, which helps students envision and identify with their “future self” and start developing a work plan that reaches beyond high school.
  • Resiliency in the face of adversity is also necessary for employees in today’s workforce. Evoke’s Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for Students helps them develop the skill of being present, let go of the past, and learn strategies to manage the stress of life and school.
  • Evoke’s Personalized High School Credit program offers the opportunity to earn a high school credit while moving theory into practice and putting newly learned skills into action. Students develop learning and study skills to create a personalized approach they can use throughout their high school career.
  • Number sense, facts, and fluency are essential skills for mathematical performance. Many students require support beyond the classroom in order to master them. Our Math Tune-Up offers a personalized approach to identifying and filling in learning gaps, strengthening lower level math and number sense, and developing skills to engage in the math curriculum.
  • The Reading Remediation program helps students in Grades 4–12 who struggle with reading and who have been identified with a deficit in phonological awareness, fluidity, or comprehension. This individualized program leverages each student’s academic strengths to enhance their areas of reading weakness—including decoding and encoding skills—and improve both reading and spelling.
  • Students in French immersion and English programs (Grades 1–3) who are challenged by the acquisition of early reading skills will benefit from Evoke’s WISE READING® Remediation program.The program helps students increase their decoding skills and phonological awareness.

To register, or to find out more about these and other opportunities to help make your summer more productive, visit us at