Reading is necessary for many aspects of learning, and initial difficulties can increase over time and impede a student’s ability to access the curriculum in other subjects. Students with reading disabilities often underachieve academically. When a student expresses frustration or difficulty with reading, or avoids the task, it is often a sign of a deficit that requires intervention. When students have trouble learning to read, it can affect their confidence in their academic abilities and self-esteem, and lead to significant mental health concerns. When a student does not develop a strong foundation in word reading, it can set them up for further academic struggles. Reading is not natural, it is a skill that must be taught, and a reading disability has nothing to do with intelligence. Unfortunately, simply reading more often is not enough to improve these skills.

Students don’t get better at reading just by reading because there are many underlying skills required. These include phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. If a student is deficient in any of these areas, simply reading more will not necessarily improve their overall reading ability. In fact, it may just make them feel frustrated and overwhelmed. It’s like trying to bake a cake when you are missing half the ingredients.

Some students rely on memory or prediction to hide their learning disability. This tactic is referred to as “compensating.” Compensating is a phenomenon that occurs when a child is learning to read and encounters difficulty with certain words or sounds. To continue reading and try to make sense of the text, the child will use strategies such as guessing, skipping over words, retrieving whole words or phrases, or using context clues to try to figure out the meaning of the text. While this may enable the child to continue reading in the short term, it can become a hindrance to their overall reading ability as they rely too heavily on compensating strategies and cannot focus on expanding their comprehension or vocabulary.

Linda Siegel, a professor emerita of educational and counselling psychology and special education at the University of British Columbia, has identified compensating as a key issue in reading difficulties. In her research, she has found that compensating strategies can limit a child’s progress in reading and may lead to ongoing reading difficulties.

As Siegel notes, “If the goal is simply to get through a text, [compensating] works. But if the goal is to comprehend the text and develop a wide vocabulary and strong reading skills, these strategies can be a problem. Children need to be taught to decode and sound out words accurately and fluently.” The science clearly shows that early intervention and effective instruction are needed to ensure that children develop the foundational skills needed to become proficient readers.

Breaking Down the Skills We Need for Reading

Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize and manipulate individual sounds in words. This skill is essential for decoding words and is often a challenge for students with dyslexia. Students with dyslexia may have difficulty distinguishing between similar sounds, such as “b” and “d,” or may struggle to blend sounds together to form words. Reading more frequently will not necessarily improve phonemic awareness skills.

Fluency is another important skill for reading. This refers to the ability to read quickly and accurately with expression. Students who lack fluency may struggle to comprehend what they are reading because they are spending so much mental energy on decoding individual words. Improving fluency requires targeted practice, such as reading aloud and using reading passages specifically designed to build fluency.

Vocabulary is also a critical aspect of reading. Students who lack vocabulary knowledge may struggle to understand the meaning of words they encounter while reading, making comprehension difficult. While reading can help build vocabulary, it is often not enough on its own. Students need explicit instruction in word meanings and opportunities to use new vocabulary in context.

Finally, comprehension is the goal of reading. This refers to the ability to understand and remember what has been read. However, comprehension is not a single skill, but rather a complex process that involves many different skills, including decoding, fluency, vocabulary, background knowledge, and inference. Students who struggle with comprehension may need targeted instruction in these areas to improve their overall reading ability.

In addition to these underlying skills, there are also many other factors that can sideline reading progress. For example, students who have experienced trauma or who are struggling with anxiety or depression may find it difficult to focus on reading. Students with inadequate exposure to print or who come from homes with limited literacy resources may also struggle with reading. In these cases, increasing the frequency or volume of reading is not enough to address the underlying issues.

Reading Remediation Can Help

So, what can be done to help students improve their reading skills? One approach is reading remediation, which involves targeted instruction in the specific skills that are necessary for reading, using an evidence-based reading program. Remediation can be particularly effective for students with dyslexia or other learning disabilities, who may require more intensive and individualized instruction to make progress.

Ultimately, improving reading skills requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the underlying skills necessary for reading, as well as any unidentified issues that may be obstructing a student’s reading progress. Simply reading more is not enough to address these issues, but targeted instruction and support can help students build the skills and confidence they need to become successful readers.

At Evoke, we use effective research-validated reading intervention approaches based on the science of reading. Evoke’s reading remediation program can make significant improvements through direct instruction and training to correct a student’s deficits and undo inefficient word recognition habits. Using proven instructional principles, Evoke’s intervention approaches directly address word-level reading difficulties, train the skills that promote orthographic mapping (the process students use to become fluent readers), and ensure that the student’s learning transfers to the general application of skills. Student progress is measured using standardized assessments administered by a professional speech-language pathologist to determine the success of the interventions.

Evoke’s reading remediation program is designed to assist students who are challenged by the acquisition of early reading skills or older students with continued reading difficulties. Our curriculum and instruction reflect the scientific research on the best approaches to teach the foundational skills that lead to efficient word reading.

Give us a call to learn more about how we can help you turn the page on reading challenges.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s communication, social interaction, and behaviour. Reading comprehension is one of the most challenging aspects of learning for students on the autism spectrum. Research demonstrates that these individuals also have difficulty decoding words and reading with speed, accuracy, and expression.

Why do students with ASD struggle with reading comprehension?

People with ASD and learning disabilities may experience a number of challenges that can lead to the need for reading remediation.

Theory of Mind Deficits

Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits are difficulties in understanding and predicting the mental states of oneself and others, and they can have a significant impact on reading comprehension for students with ASD. ToM deficits may make it challenging for students with ASD to understand and interpret the thoughts and emotions of characters in a story. They may struggle to identify the motivations and intentions of the characters, which can make it difficult for them to follow the plot and predict what may happen next. Additionally, students with ASD may have trouble understanding the meaning of figurative language, such as metaphors and idioms, which can further impede their reading comprehension skills.

ToM deficits can also affect a student’s ability to make connections between the text and their own experiences or prior knowledge. These students may have difficulty with perspective-taking, which can hinder their ability to understand how different characters may perceive and interpret events. This can make it challenging for them to draw conclusions based on the information in the text. Students with ASD may also have problems identifying and understanding social cues, which can reduce their ability to comprehend the social interactions among characters in a story. These difficulties can result in a lack of engagement with the text and a limited ability to relate to the characters and themes presented.

Weak Central Coherence

Weak central coherence is a cognitive processing style that affects individuals with ASD. It refers to the tendency to focus on details rather than the whole picture. This can impact reading comprehension for students with ASD in several ways. They may struggle to understand the overall meaning of a text because of their focus on individual words or phrases rather than their context and connections. This can lead to difficulty in learning the main idea or themes of a text and may also affect their ability to make inferences and predictions.

In addition, weak central coherence may impede a student’s ability to understand figurative language such as idioms, metaphors, and similes. These expressions often rely on an understanding of the context and broader meaning of a text, which can be difficult for students with ASD who struggle with seeing the bigger picture. This can make it hard to fully engage with and appreciate literature, which is an important aspect of literacy development. It is therefore important for educators and support staff to be aware of the impact of weak central coherence on reading comprehension and to provide appropriate accommodations and strategies to support students with ASD in this area.

The Inability to Form Schemas

Schemas are shortcuts—mental frameworks that help individuals organize and make sense of new information based on prior knowledge and experience. This can affect their reading comprehension in several ways. For example, without an existing schema, they may struggle to connect new information to what they already know and understand, which can lead to confusion, frustration, and difficulty with recalling and applying what they have learned. Students with ASD may have difficulty identifying the main idea of a text or extracting the most important information from it. They might be unable to recognize the organizational structure of a text or may not have the prior knowledge to make predictions or draw conclusions about its content.

Lack of Background Knowledge

Students with ASD may lack background knowledge because of their tendency to have restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. They may become hyper focused on a specific topic or activity, which limits their exposure to a variety of experiences and information. Additionally, they may struggle with social communication and interactions, which can make it difficult for them to engage in the give-and-take of conversation and gather information from others. As a result, they can miss out on important experiences and information that could build their background knowledge.

That lack of background knowledge can have a significant impact on reading comprehension for students with autism. Without prior knowledge of a topic or concept, they may have trouble understanding the context and meaning of what they are reading. They may be unable to make connections between new information and what they already know, which can make it difficult for them to remember and apply that new information. This can lead to frustration and disengagement, which can further limit their opportunities to build background knowledge and improve their reading comprehension skills. Therefore, it is important to support students with autism in building their background knowledge through a variety of experiences and interventions.

Language and Communication Difficulties

One of the primary reasons why students with ASD have problems with reading comprehension is language and communication difficulties. Children on the autism spectrum may have difficulty with understanding and using language, which makes it difficult for them to comprehend what they read. For example, they may have difficulties with syntax, which affects their ability to understand sentence structure and the relationships between words in a sentence. Additionally, these students may take words literally, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. This lack of understanding can cause students to lose the context of the story or text they are reading.

Problems with Social Cues

Individuals on the autism spectrum often have difficulty interpreting social cues and understanding other people’s emotions. These challenges can impact their ability to comprehend the underlying meaning of a story or text. For example, they may have difficulty understanding the nuances of character relationships, social interactions, and nonverbal communication.

Sensory Processing Differences

Sensory processing issues are common in individuals on the autism spectrum. These differences can cause them to have difficulties with visual, auditory, and tactile processing. For example, they may find it hard to filter out background noises, bright lights, or smells, making it difficult to concentrate on reading. They may also struggle with tracking and following the text on a page, making it challenging to comprehend the content.

Restricted Interests

Individuals on the autism spectrum often have restricted interests or intense interests in specific subjects. This can make it challenging to engage them in reading materials that do not command their attention. For example, a student with a keen interest in cars may find it difficult to engage with a story about gardening.

Executive Functioning Difficulties

Executive functioning refers to a set of cognitive processes that are responsible for planning, organization, and problem-solving. Individuals on the autism spectrum often have difficulties with executive functioning, which can affect their reading comprehension. For example, they may struggle with organizing their thoughts and ideas, making it challenging to understand the relationships between different concepts in a text.

Reading Remediation Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension for Students with ASD

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, and graphic organizers can be effective tools for improving reading comprehension in students on the autism spectrum. Visual aids can help students understand the relationships between different concepts in a text and can provide context for the information being presented. These tools can help students understand the structure of a story, remember key details, and make connections between different parts of a text. For example, a graphic organizer could be used to help a student identify the main characters in a story, their relationships, and the sequence of events.

Simplify Language

Using simpler language can help students with ASD understand what they are reading. Teachers and parents can break down complex sentences and use simpler vocabulary to help students understand the meaning of the text.

Use Assistive Technology

Assistive technology such as text-to-speech software and audiobooks can be effective tools for improving reading comprehension for people with ASD. These tools can help students with decoding and fluency, which can make it easier for them to understand the content.

Explicit Instruction

Provide explicit instruction on how to create schemas and use them to facilitate reading comprehension. This can involve breaking down complex information into smaller parts, providing visual aids, and incorporating real-world examples that students can relate to and build upon.

Provide Context

Introducing context for the text can help every student improve their understanding of what they are reading. Offer background information on the topic before introducing the text.

Active Reading Strategies

Active reading strategies involve engaging with the text in a deliberate and intentional way. This can include activities such as predicting what will happen next, asking questions about the text, and summarizing key ideas. These strategies can help students to stay focused on the text, identify important information, and monitor their understanding. For example, a student could be taught to stop periodically while reading and summarize what they have just read in their own words.

Social Stories

Social stories are a strategy originally developed to help students with ASD understand social situations, but they can also be used to improve reading comprehension. Social stories are short narratives that describe a social situation or concept in a clear and concise way, often with the help of visual supports. Social stories are simple, short, and have defined criteria. They can be used to teach students about literary devices such as foreshadowing, point of view, and character development. By breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable pieces, social stories can help students to understand and remember key concepts.

Reading is necessary for many aspects of learning in school, and initial difficulties can increase over time and impede a student’s ability to access the curriculum in other subjects. Students with reading disabilities often underachieve academically. When a student expresses frustration or difficulty with reading, or avoids the task, it is often a sign of a deficit that requires intervention. When students have difficulty learning to read, it can affect their confidence in their academic abilities and self-esteem, and lead to significant mental health concerns. When a student does not develop a strong foundation in word reading, it can set them up for further academic struggles. Reading is not natural, it is a skill that must be taught, and a reading disability has nothing to do with intelligence.

At Evoke, our reading remediation program teaches reading comprehension strategies based on the science of reading. Our reading remediation program can make significant improvements through direct instruction and training to correct a student’s deficits and undo inefficient word recognition habits. Using proven instructional principles, Evoke’s intervention approaches directly address word-level reading difficulties, train the skills that promote orthographic mapping (the process students use to become fluent readers), and ensure that the student’s learning transfers to the general application of skills. Student progress is measured using standardized assessments administered by a professional speech-language pathologist to determine the success of the interventions.

Let us help you or your student become a stronger, more confident reader.

No one is born knowing how to read. While some individuals may have a genetic predisposition that makes it easier for them to learn, reading is a skill that requires explicit instruction and practice.

The act itself involves a complex set of cognitive processes, including phonological awareness (the ability to identify and manipulate sounds in spoken language), decoding (the ability to recognize and sound out written words), fluency (the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression), and comprehension (the ability to understand and interpret written text).

While we might have a natural aptitude for one or more of these processes, all of them can be taught and improved. For example, phonics instruction can help students learn to recognize the sounds associated with letters and letter combinations, while fluency practice can help students read more quickly and with greater understanding.

It isn’t uncommon for some students to find reading more challenging than their peers. In fact, a 2018 report from the Canadian Council on Learning found that more than 40% of adults lack the literacy skills needed to thrive in our knowledge-based economy, and have a hard time reading instructions, filling out job applications, understanding health information, consuming news articles, or using technology effectively.

These individuals might enjoy being read to but will avoid reading on their own. They will often resort to memorizing whole words, a strategy known as “compensating,” but this approach slows comprehension and limits vocabulary acquisition. Reading difficulties can be related to a variety of factors, such as learning disabilities, lack of exposure to written language, language barriers, or limited access to high-quality reading instruction. The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused significant disruptions to the delivery of special education and support services and increased anxiety and stress levels for many learners, affecting their ability to maintain progress in reading and other academic skills. In these cases, remediation can be highly effective.

“Reading proficiency is the foundation for all academic learning,” said Jim Shelton, former deputy secretary of education in the Obama presidential administration. “If students are not reading at grade level by third grade, they are more likely to fall behind in other subjects and not graduate from high school.”

A study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2013 found that adults with low literacy skills in Canada earn on average 55% less than those with higher literacy skills. Another study by the Conference Board of Canada in 2017 found that workers with low literacy skills in Canada earn on average 33% less than those with higher literacy skills. These statistics highlight the persistent and detrimental impact of low literacy skills on individuals’ earning potential and overall economic well-being.

What Is Reading Remediation?

Reading remediation is a specialized educational approach designed to help underperforming readers improve their skills through individualized instruction that tackles specific areas of difficulty through targeted teaching, practice, and support.

The process typically involves a comprehensive assessment of the student’s reading abilities, including an evaluation of their decoding skills, fluency, comprehension, and language skills. Based on the assessment results, a reading remediation specialist will develop a customized remediation plan that addresses the student’s specific needs. This may include a variety of instructional methods, such as phonics, sight word recognition, fluency practice, vocabulary development and comprehension strategies. The approach may also include the use of assistive technology, such as text-to-speech software or audiobooks, to help beginning readers access written material.

At Evoke, we use effective research-validated reading intervention approaches based on the science of reading. Our reading remediation program can make significant improvements through direct instruction and training to correct a student’s deficits and undo inefficient word recognition habits. Using proven instructional principles, Evoke’s intervention approaches directly address word-level reading difficulties, train the skills that promote orthographic mapping (the process students use to become fluent readers), and ensure that the student’s learning transfers to the general application of skills. Student progress is measured using standardized assessments administered by a professional speech-language pathologist to determine the success of the interventions.

The Rewards of Remediation

Reading is a critical skill that forms the foundation of learning in all subjects. Students who struggle with reading may have difficulty understanding math word problems, science texts, or historical documents. This can lead to frustration, disengagement, and underachievement. They may also experience behaviour problems and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem or experience social isolation. By addressing reading skill gaps early on, students become better equipped to access and understand academic content in all subjects and avoid these negative outcomes.

Moreover, addressing reading skill gaps creates a more equitable learning environment. Students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have had the same opportunities to develop their reading skills as their more privileged peers. By providing targeted reading remediation, educators can level the playing field and ensure that all students have the tools they need to succeed academically.

According to Dr. Janette Pelletier, professor of applied psychology and human development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. “Reading remediation is critical for students who struggle with literacy skills. It is essential to provide targeted interventions and support to ensure that all students have the skills they need to succeed academically and in life.”

The benefits of reading remediation are manifold. Students who develop stronger reading skills do more than learn to read more effectively and efficiently. They also experience increased self-confidence and well-being, improved social skills, better academic testing results, a wider range of career opportunities, and higher earning potential.

People who are having difficulty reading effectively are often embarrassed to admit it, but there’s no shame in asking for help. It’s like learning to swim or speak a new language—guidance and practice make all the difference. If you or someone you know is struggling with reading despite years of trying and failing, give us a call. Our reading remediation specialists are helping students improve their reading skills every day and watching them succeed and thrive in their academic and personal lives.